FAQs - Nashville Song Critique


If you’re asking yourself these questions, you’re in the right place. Here’s some things we’re asked a lot.

Why do you require a Peer review first?

The Peer review is designed to provide you with a rapid 1-to-10 song rating to aide in setting realistic expectations for your objective or goal as well as answer any questions you submit about your talent or material.

However, Peer reviews serve a greater purpose in our platform. The intent is to filter out material that, with improvement, has the potential to reach the goal of the Artist.

An essential part of our model is that we only pass on material to Pro and Master Mentors that merits their attention. This enables us to offer these high-level reviews at a reasonable price.

I received a Peer review with no feedback. Why?

The Peer review is primarily designed to give Artists a rating that helps align your expectations with the reality of your talent/material. It allows your Mentor to answer any questions you submitted using the “Questions” section in the online song intake interview.

While Peer Mentors have the option to leave up to 100 characters of text feedback, it is not guaranteed or required of the Mentor. Remember, Peer reviews are open to everyone. We receive all kinds of material, some good and many really bad, with no possibility of reaching the artists objective.

We do not force Peer Mentors to leave feedback when they have nothing constructive to add. If you received a low rating with no feedback, it’s likely you need to start over and submit other material, or take a realistic look at your set objective (goals).

If the song has potential, or the Mentor can offer constructive criticism that will be beneficial to your craft or material, they will likely leave feedback.

Pro and Master review orders will always receive audio overdub feedback. You’ll need to reach a 5-star or greater rated Peer review to be eligible for these high-level Mentors.

What questions can I ask my Mentor?

Our system allows you to submit one free question to your Mentor and purchase additional questions for a small fee. Questions are separate from your written or audio review feedback and rating.

You may only ask the Mentor questions directly related to your material, craft, or the objective (goal) you have stated in your online song intake interview. If you ask your Mentor any personal questions or questions outside of the previously stated scope, the question(s) will be ignored, and you will not be refunded.

You may only ask one question for each box. In the event you submit multiple questions in one, only the first will be answered.

From which countries do you accept songs?

You can purchase our services and upload your song from anywhere in the world as long as the vocals are in English or it is an instrumental track.

For international genres where we don’t have a specialized credentialed Mentor, your order will be canceled and refunded. Chat with us or use our Contact Form if you have any questions.

What languages of the song vocals do you accept?

At this time, we only accept songs in English. We will launch a sister site in the near future which will accept songs in Spanish. Keep an eye on our homepage for updates!

How do I submit a review for production only?

If you are one of the producers of a song, you may submit the song for a production only review.

Get started by submitting the song for a Production review. If the songs itself merits a 5-star rating or above on our 1-to-10 rating scale from a Peer review or average of three Peer Mentors, you will then be eligible to purchase a Pro or Master level review. Select the “Production” perspective in your online intake interview.

Are there any added extras with my purchase?

With the purchase of a comprehensive (all five perspectives) review, you will receive a bonus audio review and consensus rating. This will be published in your Customer Portal by a Mentor team member or an internal NSC team member after discussion with the Mentors of all perspectives. 

Are there any additional fees added to the total cost during checkout?

No, there are no hidden charges or fees. The only additional charges would result from additional Mentor questions, additional perspectives, or expedited turnaround time. These are options available to you before checkout – but not required to purchase a review.

Once I place my order, what is the next step?

It will be immediately available to Mentors.  After this step, it won’t be possible to change any of your interview answers. You will receive an email and/or text notification regarding your review status.

You may log in to your Creator Portal using the “Login” button in the right-hand corner of our website. If you forgot the password, you chose when placing your order, you may use the “forgot password” function and your email to set a new password.

In the Creator Portal you will be able to see your uploaded songs, song versions, review status, text reviews, and listen or download audio dubbed reviews.

Can I submit a song that’s still a work-in-progress?

Yes, absolutely! We welcome submissions at any stage of completion.  Songs usually go through several revisions before they’re considered complete.  When you are ready, we will offer the assistance requested. Our feedback will contain actionable steps to guide you to your goal.  However, our Mentors will not co-write or finish the song for you. 

When will my song appear in the “Latest 10 Rated Songs”?

While they are rare, a perfect-10 song is rated 10 on a 1-to-10 general song rating scale by either a Pro or Master Mentor.  With the artist’s permission we feature the last three 10-rated songs on our homepage. We also tweet the song. To determine your song’s eligibility for the Top 10’s list, the star rating from the last submitted version, or the average of multiple ratings, is used. For Top 10’s eligibility, fractional ratings from multiple Mentors will be rounded up (e.g. a 9.5 average would be considered a 10).

While we list top 10 songs on our website, we cannot guarantee that yours will be one of them. 

What if I’m told my song is a hit, or it receives a perfect-10?  Can NSC assist me in getting a publishing or record deal?

If your song is rated a perfect-10, and we are aware of opportunities with labels, publishers, producers, and/or other musicians, we may request permission to contact you and/or share your information with third parties.  However, it is our strict policy to avoid ‘pay to play’ practices.

Any action we take to assist in furthering your music or career is voluntary. It is based solely on merit and our desire to recognize exceptional music and talent that deserve to be heard. We never take any compensation in the event this happens.

What is your refund policy if I’m not satisfied with the critique I receive?

The sale is final. You will not be refunded for any part of this review for any reason other than eligible expedited charges in the event we do not return the review in the expedited time frame.

How detailed are your critiques and in what format will I receive my review?

Peer Reviews: The Peer review includes a 1-to-10 star rating, your questions answered, and up to 100 characters of optional text feedback at the Mentor’s discretion.

The Peer review is our general entry level.  It is meant to filter higher quality material for Pro and Master reviews.  We receive all kinds of material. We don’t force Peer Mentors to comment about material or talent if they don’t have anything constructive to say.

Pro & Master Reviews: These reviews include a 1-to-10 star rating and your questions answered. Once you have achieved this level, a more detailed audio review and analysis will accompany your critique. The audio file from each Mentor/perspective will be dubbed over your song.

Audio dubbed review length will be 15 seconds to as-long-as the Mentor requires. A 15 second review can be positive or negative. It’s rare, but if the song is ready “as is”, the Mentor may simply say so or may state that it doesn’t have potential for improvement. Other Mentors may leave lengthy comprehensive reviews with examples and extensive analysis and feedback. Each Mentor is different, but their credentials speak for themselves.

All Peer submissions must receive a 5-star rating or higher to have the more detailed Pro and Master review. 

Audio dubbed reviews are sent to our internal audio editors to ensure that your review is polished and professional. 

Audio dubbed reviews are available in your customer portal to play or download in a standard audio format.

Is there a way to ask follow-up questions after receiving my critique?

Once the order is placed, it will be immediately available to Mentors.  After this step, it won’t be possible to change any of your interview answers. You will receive email and/or text notifications regarding review status and upon completion of your review. Questions are not allowed once the process is over.  

However, you may choose to resubmit the song through your Customer Portal for a follow-up review at a 25% discount. You may also submit new questions.

To view all of your review orders, visit your Customer Portal by clicking the login button in the right-hand corner.

How can I access my review once it’s been completed?

To view all of your review orders, visit your Creator Portal by clicking the login button in the right-hand corner of any page on our site. Enter your email and password you selected on checkout of your review order.

If you don’t remember your password, use the forgot password link on the login page to reset it.

In your Creator Portal, you can view all of your songs, versions, written review feedback, listen to audio review feedback and resubmit songs for follow up reviews – and more.

When do I receive my rating? How fast?

We make every effort to return your review within the time frame requested in your order. All review levels (Peer, Pro, and Master) offer standard and expedited options.  

Peer Reviews: 2 or 3 business day turnaround options

Pro Reviews: 5, 3, or 1 business day turnaround options

Master Reviews: 7, 5 or 1 business day turnaround options

Due to the schedules of high-profile Mentors and volume of songs received, the turnaround time for these levels is not guaranteed unless you’ve paid for the expedited turnaround time. If the review is not provided within that time frame, the expedited charges will be refunded. We have comprehensive systems in place to ensure reviews are returned in the standard time frame.

Remember, if your song is good enough to receive a Pro or Master review, then it is worth any extra time to allow the Mentor to give a thorough response.

Upload a song and select a Mentor level in the “Get Started” section on our homepage to see options and prices in the intake interview.

I have written lyrics and poems but no songs.  Can I submit those for review?

Absolutely! You would qualify for a lyrical review. Many songwriters and composers are looking for fresh, clever lyrics to improve their material and craft.

To submit a lyrical review, select the song-craft perspective for your Peer review. We’ll make sure it gets to a qualified lyrical Mentor.

If you reach a 5-star rating or above on your Peer review, you’ll be eligible for a Pro or Master review.

What if I disagree with the opinion of my Mentor? Can I ask the Mentor to make changes or request another Mentor?

Our process includes a Mentor Committee analyzing the quality of each review before it is released to you. If we find the review is not acceptable it will be sent to another Mentor for corrections and/or clarity.  This process will occur before you receive the review.  You may not request changes or a second opinion on the finished review. You understand that you are purchasing the services of a sub-contracted Mentor. The star rating, opinions, and recommendations are that of your Mentor, not Nashville Song Critique.

Mentor’s opinions are just that, their opinions; however, their credentials also speak for themselves.

May I send my song to an additional Mentor for no additional charge?

No. To resubmit your song, you must purchase a critique each time. 

To access a Pro or Master Mentor, your song must receive a 5-star or higher Peer review rating. 

You may resubmit a song for a follow-up review at a 25% discount that is automatically applied in your cart when you resubmit from the Customer Portal.

Can I ask my Mentor several questions?

Your review automatically includes the answer to 1 question.  Additional questions can be submitted for a small fee. Your questions must pertain to your critique or to your review goal. For instance, the Mentor may be asked for ideas about the chorus, but not about the Mentor’s dating status.

Once the review process has been initiated, you cannot pose additional questions. However, you may ask additional questions when resubmitting the song for a follow-up review.

Will I know the identity of my Mentor?

No, our unique approach is based on the anonymous identity of both the songwriter and the Mentor. We won’t share your personal information with any outside parties, ever. Your Mentor will only know the information you provided in your song intake interview and your first name. The Mentor will be known by a username or handle and their professional credentials. 

How do I know my Mentor is who they say they are? 

Your Mentor has provided and certified their credentials and qualifications, which are stated on our website and in your order.  We take the verification process very seriously, and all required credentials have been vetted by our team. A signed, notarized copy is on file.

We have many Mentors in all five perspectives we offer. We only allow Mentors to critique perspectives for which they are qualified.  We have a company-wide policy that we do not make exceptions to this rule.

How is my song rated?

You will receive a 1-to-10-star rating from each Mentor for the perspective(s) you have paid for.  In the case of Peer reviews, you may also choose to have your song rated by three Mentors simultaneously. In this case, your rating will be the median of the Mentor ratings (rounding up at .5).

Achieving a 5-star or higher rating unlocks the opportunity for a Pro or Master level review.

May I send in a song that has multiple writers, producers, or vocalists?

Songs transmitted to us and back to you are for educational purposes and covered by the “fair use” principal. If you meet our submission requirements for songwriters, producers, or vocalists, then there is no issue that other creators have contributed to the song.

If I resubmit my song for a new critique, will I have the same Mentor?

Reviews are selected and completed based on the Mentor’s availability, so it is likely that you will have a different Mentor each time you resubmit your song. However, we are working on a feature that allows the customer to ask for a specific Mentor in the Pro and Master level reviews by their #MentorHandle. 

Can I submit multiple songs in one critique order?

You may only submit one song per critique order. However, there is no limit to the number of songs you can submit for separate reviews and/or perspectives.  

What is a perspective?

Perspective is the viewpoint from which we critique your song. We offer five perspectives including: vocal, lyrical, song-craft, commercial viability/marketing, and production.

For each perspective you choose, your Mentor will most likely be a different, specialized, and credentialed expert at the Mentor level and in the perspective you purchased.

How can I be sure that the feedback I receive will help me improve?

Your star rating and review are based on your objective or goal.  You set the song’s goal. It is important to set realistic expectations so that the feedback you receive from Mentors will be specifically for achieving your stated objective – and only that objective. For this reason, it is important to be very honest. If your goal is not clearly stated, do not proceed with payment until you are sure your objective is clear. The Mentor will guide you as to whether your goal is attainable and assist you on how to get there with feedback and/or examples.

Further, each Mentor is asked to adhere to our “Mentor Guidelines.” We have a “Golden Rule” in those guidelines for our Pro and Master Mentor which loosely states: “If the material or talent has the potential, utilize your genius to provide at least one truly great idea or example to significantly help the artist/material.”

What are the requirements of a submitting creator?

1. You must affirm that you meet the qualifications of submission for your review perspective.

2. You must be honest about your true objectives (goals) for the song in order for our review process to provide the most value. 

Who can submit songs to be critiqued? 

For Song-Craft Critiques: Anyone who has written, produced, recorded, composed, arranged, or played on a song may submit it for a song-craft critique. We will not provide a critique on a song for which you were not a creator.

For Vocal Critiques: Anyone may submit a recorded vocal of any song. We will focus on the vocal and not the music. (see legal below)

For Production Critiques: For a production perspective at the Pro or Master critique level, you must first submit the song for a Peer review using the Production perspective. If the song is rated 5 or above, you will then be able to purchase a Production perspective critique at the Pro or Master critique levels.

LEGAL: All songs transmitted to us and back to you are for educational purposes and qualify under the “fair use” premise – as long as you legally send the song to us. However, our internal policies above must be observed.

Are there any age restrictions for submitting songs?

No, there are no age restrictions. We welcome submissions from songwriters, producers, and vocalists of all ages. 

Do you offer constructive criticism or just praise?

We offer criticism when it is necessary. The only way to get better is by knowing what you can do better.

We will always be honest about your talent or material’s potential. This means you can be sure you spend your time, money, and energy on projects in which you can realistically meet your objectives.

Our ultimate goal is always to identify potential! To that end we will focus specifically on providing positive, actionable feedback and examples. Our passion is to help you succeed in your passion!

Do you offer any discounts or promotions for bulk submissions or recurring customers? 

No, not for bulk submissions.  Each song must go through a Peer review. If you want a Pro or Master review, you begin by submitting each song one at a time for a Peer review. For recurring submissions, we offer a discount rate of 25% that is automatically applied when you resubmit through your Customer Portal. 

Can I purchase critiques in advance and use them later?

We have a turnaround time and schedule that we must adhere to in order to fulfill our obligations. Once a song is submitted, the process starts immediately.

Why was Nashville Song Critique created?

The answer is simple! Artists know getting honest and objective feedback from a qualified source can be an impossible task. NSC makes the impossible possible!

Ask us the hard questions. We won’t beat around the bush.

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Get honest reviews – voice overdubbed on your song by award winning chart topping musicians and industry leaders.
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Please list up to two references to get you in the door. Some Pros and Masters will only need one. It can be any Nashville musician, agent, manager, or ‘friend’ of good repute. If we require contact info, we’ll reach out.
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