What You Get - Nashville Song Critique

What do you get?

The NSC platform is easy to use and gives you options for every budget, experience level, and musical goal.

Have your song rated at an affordable price

Get feedback on the aspects of your song that you need from the right people

Your specific questions answered by the best of the best

Get actionable tips on how to improve your song

Go all the way with our 5 perspective comprehensive review package from best in class voice, lyric, song-craft, production, and marketing experts

Get the feedback the labels will give you with our commercial viability perspective.

Re-submit after improving your song in order to reach your rating goal

Get the feedback the labels will give you, without talking to the label

Submit, get feedback and improve your song until it reaches your rating goal

Go all the way and receive a 5 perspective comprehensive review from best in class voice, lyric, song-craft, production and marketing experts

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How It Works

Collab with the Pros:
Get honest reviews – voice overdubbed on your song by award winning chart topping musicians and industry leaders.
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Your request for an NDA to explore a mentoring opportunity
on the NSC Platform has been sent. 

Next we will send you an “Online NDA Notary Link” where you will be able to notarize with a live third-party online notary. 

Once completed, we will contact you to setup an initial call.

Thank you for your interest!

Notify me when new Mentor programs become available.

Please choose your demonstrable success area (click all that apply): *
Please list up to two references to get you in the door. Some Pros and Masters will only need one. It can be any Nashville musician, agent, manager, or ‘friend’ of good repute. If we require contact info, we’ll reach out.
Has one of our team reached out to you?